The picture at left is our second repeater, which operates on the UHF Amateur Radio
Band (70 Cm), and is located approximately 17 miles South of Pittsburgh in Canonsburg,
This repeater consists of an RCA 500 series base station receiver/transmitter and
matching power supply. Each component is mounted into a standard 4' high, 19" wide,
space saving communications rack on wheels.
The duplexer is manufactured by Phelps-Dodge, and consists of 3 band-pass & 3
band-reject tuned cavity filters.
The repeater's transmitter is capable of producing 80W of power into a Diamond
X-500HNA dual band antenna, located at the top of a 120' free standing tower.
The repeater controller, which provides numerous features such as courtesy tone,
tail, timeout, and remote control capabilities was designed and built by Jim - KA3EBX,
and is located on top of the rack.
Future plans are to link this repeater with it's sister repeater on the frequency of 145.130
MHz. The repeater is maintained and operated by Jim - KA3EBX, and serves the
Greater Pittsburgh Area.
Special thanks goes out to Jim Milbower, Coordinator of Cecil Township Emergency Management Agency and Jack Kelvington - K3DMY, for providing a roomy and
comfortable home for the repeater.