Membership Information
** You don't have to be a Ham to join South Hills ARC **
If you would like to join South Hills Amateur Radio Club, Inc., please download and print out an application form below using Adobe Acrobat Reader by clicking on the following link:
Download South Hills ARC membership Form in .PDF Format (628K): [Membership Application]
If you dont have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you may download it by clicking on the following link:
[Download Adobe Acrobat Reader]
You may provide us with your application by either it via regular USPS mail; via email or bring it with you to one of our club Get-Togethers.You will be provided with a written receipt.
We accept membership dues online through PayPal. Click on the following link to make your payment:

We also accept all major credit cards through our Club Store |  | |
Email: KS3R@sharc.net
Web Design by KA3EBX
Thank you for your interest in South Hills Amateur Radio Club, Inc.